
Agriculture + Lifestyle

Common Mistakes 20-Somethings Make When Buying Insurance

Posted on April 20, 2018 12:00 AM




有些人说,几十年前人们就知道如何用亚洲体育博彩平台来保护自己. There really wasn’t a choice: You got a loan and bought a car; you got a mortgage and bought a house. 然后,银行强迫你为这些购买购买亚洲体育博彩平台. You bought all the coverage you could afford; it’s just what people did.


These factors still exist for people who buy cars and houses, 但如今,“非所有权消费”成为千禧一代日益增长的趋势,这意味着租房或租赁房屋和车辆,而不是购买. Additionally, more people are buying insurance online like a commodity, which has led to some costly mistakes. What mistakes could you be making in how you buy insurance?    


Common mistakes with automobile insurance

Your limits are too low: Auto liability limits are important. 太多的人购买“州最低”限制来获得他们的车辆牌照, 但这些低限度可能不会保护你在事件的平均规模的损失,包括身体伤害. Consider buying higher liability limits. Yes, it costs more money, 但与在你的工作生涯中从你的工资中扣除一大笔钱相比,这种差别很小——是的, it does happen.

Uninsured motorist /underinsured motorist coverage: This coverage protects you – not uninsured drivers. 如果你被没有亚洲体育博彩平台亚洲体育博彩平台不足的司机造成身体伤害,它会为你提供亚洲体育博彩平台. 考虑到有多少司机购买“州最低”限制,没有这个亚洲体育博彩平台是一个很大的风险.

Your deductible is too low: 你可能买不起一辆全新的汽车,但你可能负担得起更大的免赔额. Higher deductibles can result in substantially lower premiums. If you seldom have claims, 你在较低的保费中节省的金额通常可以抵消高免赔额.

Cheaper is not always better: 亚洲体育博彩平台范围、限额、免赔额和良好的服务也有价值. Don’t base your buying decision solely on price. 更便宜通常意味着更少的覆盖范围——而且往往是以客户未探索的方式. These can be a nasty surprise after an accident. 最后,虽然在许多方面相似,但并非所有的汽车亚洲体育博彩平台都是一样的. There are coverage differences, and you get what you pay for.

Shop smart: 汽车亚洲体育博彩平台的定价随着每个亚洲体育博彩平台公司的损失经历的变化以及整个亚洲体育博彩平台市场的损失趋势而变化. 让你们的代理每两三年货比三家是个好主意. 乔治亚农场局等机构有几家航空公司可供比较. Don’t shop around at every renewal though, 因为那样会使我们更难找到代理商与你们合作. 频繁更换运营商也会带来计费问题和混乱. 


Common mistakes with renter’s insurance

You don’t buy it: 租客通常不会购买租客亚洲体育博彩平台,因为这不是必须的. 然而,即使是租房,你也有比你想象的更多的东西要失去. 你有电子产品、电脑、乐器、枪支或收藏品吗? All of these can burn or be stolen. 你有足够的钱、信用或资源来替换它们吗? 租客亚洲体育博彩平台可以提供一个令人难以置信的合理保费财产亚洲体育博彩平台.

You could get sued: Even if you only have a few possessions in your apartment, 你可能会被第三方起诉,因为他们声称你的疏忽造成了身体伤害或财产损失. 即使你打赢了官司,你付得起律师费吗? 租客的亚洲体育博彩平台通常包括责任亚洲体育博彩平台,可以支付辩护和损害赔偿.

You think it’s too expensive: 租客亚洲体育博彩平台可能是最便宜的标准亚洲体育博彩平台. It is one of the best kept secrets of the insurance industry. The premiums are very low, but the peace of mind is great. 大多数没有亚洲体育博彩平台的租客从来没有得到报价,但声称它太贵了. It’s worth checking out!


Common mistakes with life insurance

You don’t understand it: 汽车亚洲体育博彩平台是法律规定的,而人寿亚洲体育博彩平台则不是. Therefore, 人们——尤其是20多岁的年轻人——不太可能参与有关人寿亚洲体育博彩平台和遗产规划的对话. If you care about those you love, 那么了解一下在你去世的情况下需要多少钱来帮助他们是一个好主意——即使你现在不买任何东西.

You think you can’t afford it: 你的年龄越大,人寿亚洲体育博彩平台的费用就越高. Also, in many cases, 如果你以后决定购买额外的或不同的亚洲体育博彩平台,你可以获得“保证的可保性”. If you wait, you may pay more, 如果你不再符合资格,甚至可能无法购买人寿亚洲体育博彩平台. 研究公司LIMRA的一项调查发现,年轻家庭认为人寿亚洲体育博彩平台的价格是实际价格的三倍.

You don’t have enough life insurance: 当然,你可能会从你的雇主那里得到一些定期亚洲体育博彩平台,但你真的知道这是否足够吗? Do you even know how much coverage your employer provides? What if you change jobs and you lose this coverage? LIMRA reports that 3 in 10 U.S. families have no life insurance at all. Of those with life insurance, 50%的受访家庭表示,他们没有获得所需的全部亚洲体育博彩平台.

You haven’t talked to a life insurance agent: Why? 因为你不想被卖给你不想要或不了解的产品. 虽然也有一些糟糕的特工赢得了这个不幸的名声, a great many more will put your needs and interests first. 不要让对一些糟糕经历的恐惧阻止你去保护你的家人,你应该这样做. Find an agent you trust.


In the past, 通过使用亚洲体育博彩平台代理人,讨论和处理了许多这些常见错误. 代理人的作用是指导人们了解如何使用亚洲体育博彩平台产品来弥补他们在日常生活中面临的经济损失风险.  


Thankfully, insurance agents are still around today. 事实上,超过70%的汽车和家庭亚洲体育博彩平台仍然是从代理人那里购买的. 当你使用亚洲体育博彩平台代理人时,你应该期待的不仅仅是得到报价. 最好的代理商会帮助你了解你在买什么,并帮助你将你的需求与合适的产品相匹配——这样你就不会犯代价高昂的错误. Buying insurance isn’t fun, and it’s often expensive. Make sure you get the value you deserve.